Medical Education and Leadership Lecture Series


September 12, 2023
Kat Ogle, MD
"Adult Learning – How to Learn in the Med Ed Environment"

September 28, 2023
Kat Ogle, MD
"Servant Leadership - What Does It Mean To You?"

October 9, 2023
Kat Ogle, MD
"Instructional Design"

October 26, 2023
Kat Ogle, MD
"Make Your Presentation POP using the P-cubed framework''

November 7, 2023
Kat Ogle, MD
"Game Theory & Educational Innovations"

January 25, 2024
 Anthony R. Artino, Jr., Ph.D.
"Damned Lies, and Surveys"

February 20, 2024
Lisa Howley, Ph.D. 
"A Career in Medical Education: National Opportunities for Learning, Serving and Leading"

March 13, 2024
Jeffrey S. Berger, MD, MBA, FASA
"From a Creative Idea to Publication"

April 18, 2024
Jeffrey S. Berger, MD, MBA, FASA


September 12, 2022
Kat Ogle, MD
"Adult Learning – How to Learn in the Med Ed Environment"

September 27, 2022
Kat Ogle, MD
"Servant Leadership - What Does It Mean To You?"

October 11, 2022
Kat Ogle, MD
"Instructional Design"

November 3, 2022
Kat Ogle, MD
"Make Your Presentation POP using the P-cubed framework''

November 10, 2022
Kat Ogle, MD
"Game Theory & Educational Innovations"

November 11, 2022
Kat Ogle, MD
"Instructional Technology"

January 9, 2023
Kat Ogle, MD
"Medical Education Research & Scholarship"

February 16, 2023
Kat Ogle, MD
"Getting the Most Out of Feedback"

March 7, 2023
Jim Blatt, MD
"Adaptive Expertise"

April 7, 2023
Jim Blatt, MD
"Simulation in Medical Education"


September 21, 2021
Kat Ogle, MD
"Adult Learning – How to Learn in the Med Ed Environment"

September 29, 2021
Kat Ogle, MD
"Servant Leadership - What Does It Mean To You?"

October 18, 2021
Kat Ogle, MD
"Instructional Design"

October 20, 2021
Jim Blatt, MD
"Promoting Team Learning on the Wards"

November 22, 2021
Kat Ogle, MD
"Instructional Technology"

January 21, 2022
Kat Ogle, MD and Jim Blatt, MD
"Medical Education Research & Scholarship"

February 11, 2022
Jim Blatt, MD
"Going to a Medical Education Conference: Fun and Inspirational"

February 25, 2022
Kat Ogle, MD
"Adaptive Expertise"

March 7, 2022
Kat Ogle, MD
"Getting the Most Out of Feedback"

April 4, 2022
Kat Ogle, MD
"Creating a Project Management System"

May 9, 2022
Jim Blatt, MD
"Learning Communities"


October 13, 2020
Kat Ogle, MD
"Adult Learning – How to Learn in the Med Ed Environment"

October 29, 2020
Kat Ogle, MD
"Servant Leadership - What Does It Mean To You?"

November 23, 2020
Kat Ogle, MD
"Promoting Team Learning on the Wards"

December 2, 2020
Kat Ogle, MD
"Instructional Design"

December 7, 2020
Kat Ogle, MD
"Instructional Technology Revisited... Game Theory & More"

January 26, 2021
Kat Ogle, MD and Jim Blatt, MD
"Medical Education Research & Scholarship"

February 9, 2021
Kat Ogle, MD
"Instructional Technology, Part 1"

February 19, 2021
Jim Blatt, MD
"The Role of Learning Communities in Medical Education"

March 4, 2021
Kat Ogle, MD and Jim Blatt, MD
"Getting the Most out of Feedback"



October 14, 2019
Kat Ogle, MD
"Adult Learning: How to Learn in the Med Ed Environment"

November 1, 2019
Kat Ogle, MD
"Instructional Design"

January 15, 2020
Kathleen Ogle, MD and Jim Blatt, MD
"Medical Education Research & Scholarship"

March 13, 2020
Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Instructional Technology Part I"

March 19, 2020
Jim Blatt, MD
"The Role of Learning Communities in Medical Education"

April 7, 2020
Jim Blatt, MD
"Getting the Most out of Feedback"


October 15, 2019
Kat Ogle, MD
"Servant Leadership: What Does It Mean To You?"

December 6, 2019
Kathleen Ogle, MD
“Promoting Team Learning on the Wards”

December 11, 2019
Kat Ogle, MD
"Instructional Technology Revisited... Game Theory & More"

December 13, 2019
Jim Blatt, MD
"Self-Directed Learning/Adaptive Expertise"



October 9, 2018
Kat Ogle, MD
"Adult Learning?"

December 4, 2018
Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Instructional Design"

February 8, 2019
Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Instructional Technology Part I"

January 11, 2019
Jim Blatt, MD, and Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Medical Education Research & Scholarship"

March 8, 2019
Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Instructional Technology Part II"

April 19, 2019
Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Teaching with Technology Revisited"

May 10, 2019
Jim Blatt, MD, and Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Getting the Most Out of Feedback"


September 26, 2018
Jim Blatt, MD, and Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Getting the Most Out of Feedback"

October 25, 2018
Jim Blatt, MD, and Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Evaluating Yourself as a Learner"

December 5, 2018
Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Technology in Medical Education, Revisited"

December 11, 2018
Jim Blatt, MD
"Research and Leadership Opportunities in Medical Education"



October 10, 2017
Kathleen Ogle, MD
“Adult Learning”

October 30, 2017
Kathleen Ogle, MD
“Adult Learning”

January 5, 2018
Meghan Foster, and Tracy Blanchard
“Integrating Instructional Technology”

March 14, 2018
Jim Blatt, MD, and Kathleen Ogle, MD
“Research and Leadership Opportunities in Medical Education”

April 6, 2018
Kathleen Ogle, MD
“Getting the Most out of Feedback”

April 24, 2018
Kathleen Ogle, MD
“Teaching with Technology, Part 2”

May 4, 2018
Kathleen Ogle, MD
“Promoting Team Learning”


September 19, 2017
Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Getting the Most Out of Feedback"

October 24, 2017
Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Evaluating Yourself as a Learner"

November 6, 2017
Jim Blatt, MD, and Kathleen Ogle, MD
“Leadership Opportunities in Medical Education”

November 28, 2017
Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Student's Choice"



September 27, 2016
Kathleen Ogle, MD
“Adult Learning”

October 19, 2016
Ellen Goldman, EdD, MBA
“Instructional Design”

November 15, 2016
Meghan Foster and Tracy Thompson
“Teaching with Technology Part I”

January 25, 2017
Meghan Foster, and Tracy Thompson
“Teaching with Technology Part I”

February 13, 2017
Benjamin "Jim" Blatt, MD, and Larrie Greenberg, MD
“Medical Education Research & Scholarship”

March 13, 2017
Matthew Mintz, MD, FACP
“Teaching with Technology Part II”

April 10, 2017
Kathleen Ogle, MD, and Ellen Goldman, EdD, MBA
“Promoting Team Learning”


September 26, 2016
Kathleen Ogle, MD
"Getting the Most Out of Feedback"

October 24, 2016
Matthew Mintz, MD
"Evaluating Yourself as a Learner"

November 7, 2016
Benjamin Blatt, MD, Kathleen Ogle, MD, and Larrie Greenberg, MD
"Leadership Opportunities in Medical Education"

November 30, 2016
Kathleen Ogle, MD
“Student's Choice”



September 22, 2015
Ellen F. Goldman, EdD
“Adult Learning”

November 6, 2015
Tracy Thompson and Meghan Foster
“Instructional Technology, Part 1”

November 16, 2015
Matthew Mintz, MD
“Instructional Technology, Part 2”

February 10, 2016
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Learning Objectives"

March 14, 2016
Ellen Goldman, EdD, MBA
"Instructional Design"

April 4, 2016
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Lecturing Skills - Part1"

April 25, 2016
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Lecturing Skills - Part2"


September 28, 2015
Benjamin Blatt, MD

October 12, 2015
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
“Establishing the Learning Environment”

November 9, 2015
Benjamin Blatt, MD
“Teaching a Skill”

November 20, 2015
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
“Learning Objectives”

November 20, 2015
Ellen F. Goldman, EdD
“Instructional Design”

December 2, 2015
Ellen F. Goldman, EdD
“Instructional Design"



October 24, 2014
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Education Research"

October 29, 2014
Benjamin Blatt, MD
"Adult Learning Principles"

January 7, 2015
Matthew Mintz, MD
"Instructional Technology - Part 1"

February 25, 2015
Bernhard Wiedermann, MD, MA
"Instructional Technology - Part 2"

April 8, 2015
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Lecturing Skills - Part 1"

April 20, 2015
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Lecturing Skills - Part 2"


October 17, 2014
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Establishing the Learning Environment"

November 12, 2014
Benjamin Blatt, MD

November 21, 2014
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Cognitive Learning Processes and Implications for Education"

January 7, 2015
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Education Journal Club"

March 13, 2015
Benjamin Blatt, MD
"Teaching a Skill"

April 15, 2015
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Learning Objectives"



September 9, 2013
Stanley Reiser, MD, MPA, PhD
"Creating Medical Education:  Historical Landmarks and Future Directions"

November 15, 2013
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Education Research"

December 2, 2013
Benjamin Blatt, MD
"Adult Learning Principles"

February 10, 2014
Matthew Mintz, MD, FACP
"Instructional Technology - Part 1"

March 24, 2014
Bernard Wiedermann, MD, MA
"Instructional Technology - Part 2"

April 7, 2014
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Lecturing Skills - Part 1"

April 23, 2014
Benjamin Blatt, MD and W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Lecturing Skills - Part 2"


September 25, 2013
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Establishing the Learning Environment"

November 13, 2013
Benjamin Blatt, MD

November 20, 2013
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Cognitive Learning Processes and Implications for Education"

January 17, 2014
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Education Journal Club"

February 19, 2014
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Learning Objectives"

April 14, 2014
Benjamin Blatt, MD
"Teaching a Skill"



October 15, 2012
Stanley Reiser, MD, MPA, PhD and Alex Stagnaro-Green, MD, MHPE
"The History and Future of Medical Education"

November 12, 2012
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Education Research"

November 28, 2012
Larrie Greenberg, MD
"Adult Learning Principles"

January 11, 2013
Matthew Mintz, MD, FACP
"Instructional Technology - Part 1"

February 11, 2013
Bernhard L. Wiedermann, MD, MA
"Instructional Technology  - Part 2"

March 25, 2013
Yolanda Haywood, MD
"Kolb Inventory"

April 10, 2013
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Lecturing Skills - Part 1"

April 22, 2013
Benjamin Blatt, MD and W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Lecturing Skills - Part 2"


September 28, 2012
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Establishing the Learning Environment"

October 17, 2012
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Cognitive Learning Processes and Implications for Education"

November 9, 2012
Benjamin Blatt, MD

January 18, 2013
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Medical Education Track Journal Club"

February 22, 2013
Benjamin Blatt, MD
"Teaching a Skill"

April 15, 2013
W. Scott Schroth, MD, MPH
"Preparing Learning Objectives and Designing Assignments"