Clinical and Translational Research Mentor Information & Expectations

Mentor Information and Expectations

The Scholarly Concentration in Research provides students with opportunities for research under the guidance of a mentor. We are deeply grateful for mentor contributions to the research experience, and appreciate the highly collaborative culture and spirit of discovery that stem from the commitment and effort of the faculty research mentors.

Program Activities

Mentors should familiarize themselves with the student activities in the research scholarly concentration, and consider how to contribute to their successful completion. The research concentration typically involves a number of activities over the four years of medical school:

  • Research Scholarly Concentration Application/Declaration in Fall MS1
  • Attendance at eight (8) research lectures/workshops over MS1-MS2
  • Mentored research in summer between MS1-MS2
    • Potential fellowship support
  • Paper on summer research project due Fall MS2
  • Poster on research project and participation in Research Day at GW or CNHS
  • Research elective of 4-6 weeks in MS3-MS4
  • Optional participation in a course for research skill development
  • Scholarly project completed in MS4, to include one or more:
    • Research presentation at professional meeting
    • Research poster at professional meeting/GW or CNHS
    • Publishable systematic review
    • Publishable case series

Mentor Expectations

  • Assist the student in planning a project with reasonable, attainable goals
  • Establish a timeline for the project
  • Actively direct the summer research project
  • Identify additional research team members and supervisors
  • Provide fair and constructive feedback
  • Suggest articles, collaborators, facilities, journal clubs or workshops important to their work
  • Meet weekly, or possibly bi-weekly if another daily supervisor is involved to ensure the student’s project is on course and productive.
  • Be available to discuss the research elective project
  • Assist as appropriate in any applications for student research or travel funding
  • Identify possible abstract and manuscript products of research
  • Be available to review research posters, abstracts, or manuscripts

If you encounter difficulties, please feel free to contact the Research Scholarly Concentration Track Co-Directors, Ioannis Koutroulis, MD, PhD, MBA, ikoutroulis [at] (ikoutroulis[at]email[dot]gwu[dot]edu)

and Dr. David Leitenberg, MD, PhD. at dleit [at]