Health Policy Lecture Series


September 6, 2023
Kevin O'Conner, MD, DO, White House Physician and Physician to the President
"Executive Medicine: Reflections and Perspectives"

November 1, 2023
Jesús Treviño, MD, MBA, FACEP
"Measuring firearm-related injuries: Convention & Innovation"

December 5, 2023
Catherine Crosland, MD
"Health Care Policy Considerations for People Experiencing Homelessness"

January 10, 2024
Michael D. Warren, MD MPH FAAP
"From the Clinic to the Capital(s)—A Public Health Pediatrician’s Path"

February 29, 2024
Dr. Arvind Venka, House Representative in Pennsylvania 
"Physicians as Politicians"

March 3, 2024
Dr. James Huang
"Deaf Health Equity"

March 20, 2024
Dean LaQuandra S. Nesbitt, MD, MPH
"Career Opportunities in Health Policy for Physicians"

May 9, 2024
Dr. Jorge Ramallo
"LGBTQ Health Policy" 


September 9, 2022
Anne C. Banner
"How to Effectively Interact with the Media as a Physician"

October 18, 2022
Health Policy Fellows Dr. Bukhsh, Dr. Taskier, Dr. Boone, and Dr. Clifford 
"Environmental Justice"

November 17, 2022
Alister Martin, MD
"Health Democracy & Voting Rights"

December 14, 2022
Dr. Dwayne Kwaysee Wright
"Affirmative Action Policy and The Supreme Court"

January 4, 2023
Kameron Leigh Matthews, MD, JD, FAAFP
"Veterans Health Policy"

March 15, 2023
Lee Beers, MD
"Pediatric/Adolescent Mental Health Policy"

April 6, 2023
Carl Filler, Director, Office of Government Relations, DC Health
"Local Health Focus: Post-Pandemic Public Health Policy and Legislation"

May 4, 2023
Ijeoma A. Egekeze, MPH & Dr. Miriam A. Bukhsh, MD (HP Fellow)
"Health Staffer Panel"


September 16, 2021
Kevin O'Conner, MD, DO, White House Physician and Physician to the President
"Executive Medicine: Reflections and Perspectives"

October 14, 2021
Humayun (Hank) Chaundhry, MD, MPH
"Balancing Public Health and the Practice of Medicine during COVID-19"

November 22, 2021
Anneta Arno, PhD, MPH
"Health Disparities in the District"

February 3, 2022
Neal Sikka, MD
"Will Tech Replace You? Health IT Innovation & Policy"

February 4, 2022
Leana Wen, MD
"Public Health Leadership & Insights for our Path Forward"

March 23, 2022
Anne Cardile, MD
"Housing Insecurity"

May 13, 2022
Kari-Claudia Allen Harrington MD, MPH
"Advocacy as Activism: Using the Power of Policy to Save Moms"


October 19, 2020
Joe Britton, MA, MBA
"The 2020 Election"

November 6, 2020
Hope Wittenburg
"Healthcare Legislation - What is On Our Plate Now?"

January 22, 2021
Ankoor Shah, MD, MBA, MPH
"All Things COVID 19 Vaccine Policy"

February 19, 2021
Candice Chen, MD, MPH
"Who Will Take Care of America?: Physician Workforce Policy in 2021"

March 9, 2021
Stephen Cha, MD, MPH
"Medicaid Policy 101 and What to Expect from the Biden Administration"

April 15, 2021
Newton Kendig, MD
"Health Policy and Correctional Medicine"


October 23, 2019
Natalie Kirilichin, MD, MPH, and Andrea Anderson, MD
"Medicare: Is it for All?"

November 7, 2019
Missy Owen and Michael Owen, Davis Direction Foundation
"Building Communities of Recovery Amidst the Opioid Epidemic"

January 22, 2020
Thomas D. Kirsch, MD, MPH, FACEP
"Science in Disasters"

February 25, 2020
Anne C. Cardile, MD and Julie Kaminski, MPH
"Housing and Housing Policy as a Social Determinant of Health"

March 18, 2020
Aisha Liferidge, MD, MPH
"Healthcare Quality and Physician Incentives"

May 12, 2020
Natalie Kirilichin, MD, MPH, and Andrea Anderson, MD
"How to be Successful in the Health Policy Scholarly Concentration - Insight from the Class of 2020"


September 21, 2018
William Manning
“Private and Employer Sponsored Health Insurance”

October 11, 2018
Ed Lazere
“Health and Housing: Expoloring the Housing Crisis in DC"

October 24, 2018
Guen Burke, MD, MBA, and Natalie Kirilichin, MD, MPH

November 14, 2018
Pamela Riley, MD, MPH

December 7, 2018
Yvonne Chow, MPP, and Natalie Kirilichin, MD, MPH
“Rural Health”

January 18, 2019
Joseph Britton, MBA
“Physician Advocacy Perception and Pitfalls”

February 25, 2019
Shantanu Agrawal, MD, MPhil
“Healthcare Quality”

March 11 2019
Remy Brim, PhD
“Drug and Device Policy - Insights from an Industry Insider”

April 17, 2019
Peter Basch
“Health IT”

May 14, 2019
Natalie Kirilichin, MD, MPH
“Comparative Health Systems”


September 14, 2017
Guenevere Burke, MD, MBA, and Natalie Kirilichin, MD
“Marijuana Policy Journal Club”

October 11, 2017
Lorens Helmchen, PhD
“Physician Payment Reform”

November 8, 2017
Guenevere Burke, MD, MBA, and Natalie Kirilichin, MD
“Health Policy Journal Club Discussion: Is Healthcare a Right?”

January 10, 2018
Andrew Adair, JD
“Health Law”

February 7, 2018
Guenevere Burke, MD, MBA, and Natalie Kirilichin, MD
“Prescription Drug Pricing”

March 7, 2018
Guenevere Burke, MD, MBA, and Natalie Kirilichin, MD
“Current Events in Health Policy”

April 10, 2018
Ron Shumacher, MD
“Innovative Care Models for Senior Populations”


September 29, 2016
Natalie Kirilichin, MD

November 3, 2016
Jordan Warchol, MD
“Rural Health”

January 31, 2017
Natalie Kirilichin, MD
“Pharmaceutical Policy Journal Club”

March 22, 2017
Guenevere Burke, MD, MBA
“Critical Thinking on the Future of the ACA”

April 19, 2017
Fitzhugh Mullan, MD
“A Life in Health Policy”

April 27, 2017
Marc Mendelsohn, MD
“The AMA and Physician Advocacy”


October 2, 2015
Steven Davis, MD
“What is Life Worth? A Discussion on Zamptrap, Sovaldi, Harvoni, and Paying for Healthcare”

October 15, 2015
Robert Graboyes, PhD
“Fortress to Frontier”

November 5, 2015
Steven Davis, MD
“Pioneer ACO Programs”

November 16, 2015
Steven Davis, MD
“Tele-Medicine & Health Care Reform”

February 3, 2016
Steven Davis, MD, and Guenevere Burke, MD
"The Cost Conundrum"

April 27, 2016
Steven Davis, MD
"The RUC - And the Mystery of Healthcare Costs"


October 13, 2014
Steven Davis, MD and Leah Honigman, MD
"Cased-based Discussions in Health Policy"

November 10, 2014
Leah Honigman, MD
"Implementation of Evidence-Based Health Policy"

January 12, 2015
Maggie Czarnogorski, MD, MPH
"Experience and Trajectory in Health Policy as a Physician"

March 2, 2015
Steven Davis, MD
"The Affordable Care Act: Five Years Later"


October 23, 2013
Fitzhugh Mullan, MD
"How Many Physicians, Where, and Why"

January 22, 2014
Aisha Liferidge, MD
"Patient Safety"

February 12, 2014
Guenevere Burke, MD, MBA
"Physician Workforce"

March 17, 2014
Nathan Trueger, MD
"Health Insurance in America"

March 26, 2014
L. Gregory Pawlson, MD, MPH
"Health Policy & Health Politics: The Affordable Care Act and the Future of Health Care in the U.S."

April 16, 2014
Ashley Ryles, MD
"Health Disparities"


September 7, 2012
Steven Davis, MD and Malika Fair, MD
"Health Care Reform"

October 8, 2012
Steven Davis, MD and Malika Fair, MD
"Health Policy Case Study"

November 19, 2012
Jennifer Lee, MD
"Physician Careers in Health Policy"

January 30, 2013
Steven Davis, MD and Malika Fair, MD
Track Co-Director
"Case Studies in Health Policy"

February 25, 2013
James Scott, MD
"Health Policy and Academic Medicine"

April 17, 2013
Dipti Chhajwani, MS4 and Steven Davis, MD
"The Bitter Pill"