Disaster Medicine Lecture Series


September 20, 2023
Andy Garrett, MD, MPH and James P. Phillips MD, FACEP
"Get to know your Disaster Faculty"

October 30, 2023
James P. Phillips MD, FACEP
"Left of BOOM - Foundations in Disaster Preparedness"

December 6, 2023
Andy Garrett, MD, MPH
"Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks"

January 25, 2024
Dr. Laura Tilley
"Disaster Medicine and the Military Experience"

February 15, 2024
Andy Garrett, MD, MPH
"Incident Management"

March 13, 2024
James P. Phillips MD, FACEP
"Explosives and Blast Injuries"

April 18, 2024
Dr. Michael Anderson
"Pediatric Disaster Response: A National Perspective"


September 14, 2022
Andy Garrett, MD, MPH
"The Disproportionate Risk of Children in Disaster"

October 19, 2022
Ramin Asgary, MD
"Introduction to Humanitarian Assistance Medicine"

November 10, 2022
James P. Phillips MD, FACEP
"Unrest in America: Weapons and Injuries during Recent Protests and Riots"

January 26, 2023
James P. Phillips MD, FACEP

February 14, 2023
Andy Garrett, MD, MPH
"Aviation Physiology"

March 22, 2023
James P. Phillips MD, FACEP
"Explosives and Blast Injuries"

April 18, 2023
Larissa Unruh, MD (DM Fellow)
"Disparities in Disaster"


September 16, 2021
James P. Phillips MD, FACEP
"The Disaster Cycle and Key Disaster Terminology"

October 14, 2021
CEO, Federation of State Medical Board
"Federal Government's Role in Supporting Disaster Response"

November 18, 2021
Geoff Shapiro, co-chair of the national committee on TECC
"Profile of Wounding in Civilian Mass Shooting Incidents and the principles of Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)"

January 27, 2022
James P. Phillips MD, FACEP
"Blast Injury and Improvised Explosive Devices"

February 10, 2022
Craig Spencer, MD MPH
"My Career in Disaster Medicine and Global Health: Surviving Ebola and other Adventures"

March 10, 2022
Michael Anderson, MD, MBA, FAAP, FCCM
"The Role of Health Care Coalitions in Disasters: COVID-19"

April 7, 2022
Andy Garrett, MD, MPH
"Disaster Preparedness"

May 12, 2022
Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH
"How the Children's National Hospital system responded to the Challenge of COVID-19"


October 20, 2020
Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH, and James Phillips, MD
"Key Considerations in Prehospital Casualty Triage"

November 11, 2020
Mark Kiem, MD, MBA
"GW Disaster Medicine Grand Rounds - The Need for a U.S. National Disaster Safety Act"

January 26, 2021
Michael Anderson, MD, MBA, FAAP, FCCM, FAARC
"Pediatric Disaster Preparedness"

February 19, 2021
Jordan Selzer, MD
"Cyber Disasters and Effect on Patient Care"

March 4, 2021
Elisa Milani, MD
"Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Process"


October 14, 2019
James Phillips, MD, and Joelle Simpson, MD
"Considerations for Mass Gathering Medical Care"

November 1, 2019
James Phillips, MD
"The Disaster Cycle and Key Terminology"

January 22, 2020
Thomas D. Kirsch, MD, MPH, FACEP
"Science in Disasters"

February 27, 2020
Joelle Simpson, MD & James Phillips, MD
"Covid-19: Updates and Recommendations on the Coronavirus Outbreak"


September 21, 2018
James Phillips, MD, and Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH
"Introduction to Disaster Medicine and Emergency Management"

October 16, 2018
James Phillips, MD, and Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH
"Understanding Key Principles of Hospital Mass Casualty Management Using a Table Top Exercise Demonstration"

November 26, 2018
Julia M. Ritch, J. Sam Hurley, MPH, EMPS, NRP, and Brendan Sinatro, MPH
"Disaster Preparedness Panel - Understanding Emergency Support Function 8 in Washington, DC"

January 23, 2019
Andy Garrett, MD, MPH
"Disaster Management at the Federal Level"

February 25, 2019
James Phillips, MD, and Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH
"Current Events in Disaster Medicine"

March 11, 2019
Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH
"Planning for Children and Disasters"

April 15, 2019
Timir Alptunaer, MD
"Cyclone Adai - Mozambique 2019"

May 6, 2019
Doug Postels, MD
"Dengue, Ebola, and other Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers"


September 20, 2017
Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH
"Extreme Event Exercise"

October 17, 2017
Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH
"Current Events in Emergency Management"

January 10, 2018
Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH
"Current Events in Emergency Management"

February 5, 2018
James Phillips, MD
"TARMAC Attacks - A Paradigm Shift in Terrorism Tactics"

March 7, 2018
John M. McNamara, MD, MPH, MS
"Medicine in Refugee and Displaced Populations"

April 4, 2018
James Phillips, MD
"From Austin to Boston - IEDs, Bombmaking, and Blast Injuries"


August 31, 2016
Bruno Petinaux, MD, and Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH 
"Current Events in Emergency Management"

October 3, 2016
Bruno Petinaux, MD, and Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH 
"Current Events in Emergency Management"

October 11, 2016
Jeff Lowell, MD 
"Medicine and Community Intersect - Emergency Management"

November 2, 2016
Bruno Petinaux, MD, and Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH 
"Current Events in Emergency Management"

November 30, 2016
Bruno Petinaux, MD 
"Presidential Inauguration"

January 9, 2017
Kat Dunne 
"Pediatric Mass Casualty Management"

February 9, 2017
Bruno Petinaux, MD, and Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH 
"Current Events in Emergency Management"

March 13, 2017
Bruno Petinaux, MD, and Joelle Simpson, MD, MPH
“Case Review of the Flint Michigan Crisis - Lessons Learned in Emergency Management”

April 25, 2017
Bruno Petinaux, MD
“Current Events in Emergency Management”


October 19, 2015
Bruno Petinaux, MD 
"A Papal Visit"

October 30, 2015
Bruno Petinaux, MD 
“Moving from Theory to Reality”

November 12, 2015
Bruno Petinaux, MD 
“Urban Search and Rescue”

February 11, 2016
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Urban Search and Rescue: Part 2"


October 13, 2014
Bruno Petinaux, MD and and MS2 Emergency Management Track Students
"Summer Experiences and Update on Recent Responses"

November 10, 2014
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Tubes and Hands:  How to Move Specimens in an Infectious Environment"

November 17, 2014
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Emergency Management in the Legal Context"

January 30, 2015
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Disaster Simulation - Part 1"

February 9, 2015
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Disaster Simulation - Part 2"

April 22, 2015
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Social Media and Disaster"


September 13, 2013
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Implications of Current Events for Emergency Management"

November 8, 2013
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Recent Events in Emergency Management"

November 18, 2013
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Typhoon Haiyan:  Recovery Efforts"

January 31, 2014
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Emergency Management Phases - Part 1"

February 28, 2014
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Emergency Management Response"

March 17, 2014
Jennifer Stuth, MD
"Active Shooter - Incident Management"


November 12, 2012
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Crisis Standards of Care, A Continuum of Healthcare During Times of Disaster"

November 14, 2012
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"Sheltering in Place for a Planned Event"

January 18, 2013
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"The Sky is Falling:  Part 1"

February 1, 2013
Bruno Petinaux, MD
"The Sky is Falling:  Part 2"

April 15, 2013
Neha Puppala, MD, EMS
"Medical Emergency Management in Resource Utilization and Tactical and Operational Scenarios"