Global Health Lecture Series


October 10, 2023
Brandon Kohrt, MD, PhD
"Global Mental Health"

November 16, 2023
Professor Susan Anenberg
"Global Health & Climate Change"

November 28, 2023
Professor Eva Jarawan
"Global Health Financing"

January 30, 2024
Richard Skolnik, BA, MPA 
"Critical Challenges in Global Health and their Implications for Action"

February 13, 2024
Gavin Truong, MD and GH Students - Jeff Jang and Emmalee Barrett
"Trauma Informed Care for Refugees and Asylum Seekers"

March 13, 2024
Michael O'Neill - Security Consultant
"Personal Safety and Security While Abroad"

April 16, 2024
Professor Paul Ndebele
"Cultural Considerations for Research in Low- and Middle-income Countries"


September 29, 2022
Berndt Schmit, MD, MBOE
"HRD Corps Radiology Capacity Development - Assessment Tour of Malawi Africa"

November 4, 2022
Aileen Chang, MD
"How to Establish an International Clinical Trial Site"

January 6, 2023
Ed O'Neil, MD
"Global Climate Change and Health Equity"

January 23, 2023
Michael O'Neill - Security Consultant
"Personal Safety and Security While Abroad"

February 8, 2023
Berndt Schmit, MD, MBOE
"Global Health Sustainability & Colonialism"

February 23, 2023
Paul Ndebele, PhD
"Ethics Surrounding Global Health Research"

March 15, 2023
Drs. Kate Douglass, Berndt Schmit & Nathalie Quion
"Global Health Careers Panel"


September 8, 2021
Anisha Abraham, MD, CNHS
"Global Social Determinants of Health in Children"

October 12, 2021
Paul Ndebele, MD, GW MISPH
"The Ethics of Global Health Research"

November 16, 2021
Kathy Ferrer, MD, CNHS
"Global HIV"

December 1, 2021
Huda Ayas, MD and Genna McKenna, MD
"Reflection Forum with MSIIs"

January 24, 2022
Brandon Kohrt, MD, PhD
"Global Mental Health"

February 16, 2022
Richard Skolnik, MD
"Global Health 101"

April 26 & 27, 2022
Doug Postels, MD, MS
"Global Case Study: Part 1 & 2"


October 20, 2020
Juliet Sorenson, JD
"Global Health, Human Rights, and COVID-19"

November 4, 2020
Michele Barry, MD, FACP
"COVID-19 through a Gendered Lens"

February 12, 2021
Ed O'Neil, Jr., MD
"Covid - Clinical, Global and Inequality"

March 3, 2021
Ngozi Erondu, PhD, MPH
"Universal Health Care as it Relates to Pandemic Preparedness"

March 8, 2021
Aaron Berkowitz, MD, PhD
"One by One by One - Making a Small Difference Amid a Billion Problems"

April 8, 2021
Doug Postels, MD, MS
"Clinical Tuberculosis"

April 9, 2021
Doug Postels, MD, MS
"Clinical Case Study: Diagnosis and Treatment of TB"


February 21, 2019
Paul Ndebele, PhD
"The Ethics Surrounding Global Health Research"

March 20,2019
Doug Postels, MD

April 12, 2019
Doug Postels, MD

May 6, 2019
Doug Postels, MD
"Dengue, Ebola, and other Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers"

October 4, 2019
Dr. Mary Ellsberg
"Breaking the Cycle - Health Sector Responses to Violence Against Women and Girls"

May 13, 2019
"Safety and Security"

October 30, 2019
Robert Clay
"Addressing the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic"

December 9, 2019
Richard Skolnik, MPA
"Essentials of Global Health"

February 21, 2020
Dr. Paul Ndebele
"The Ethics Surrounding Global Health Research"

February 28, 2020
Dr. Nathalie Quion and Dr. Jennifer Chapman
“Advancing Health Care Quality for Immigrant Children”

April 14, 2020
Dr. Douglas Postels 
"Tropical Medicine Series: Malaria"

April 23, 2020
Katherine Douglass, MD, MPH  
"International EMED COVID19 Response"


October 5, 2018
Tamar Tchelidze, MD, MPH
“Hepatitis C Elimination Project in Georgia"

October 25, 2018
Brandon Kohrt, MD, PhD
“Career Opportunities in Global Mental Health"

November 28, 2018
Alan Greenberg, MD, MPH, and Ani Shakarishvili, MD
“Global Health Epidemiology"

December 7, 2018
Nathalie Quion, MD, and Jennifer Chapman
“Immigrant Child Health"

April 12, 2019
Doug Postels, MD

May 6, 2019
Doug Postels, MD
“Dengue, Ebola, and other Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers"


September 19, 2017
Gerardo de Cosio, MD, MPH
“Epidemiology of Diseases, Demographics, and Health Indicators"

October 30, 2017
Sojung Yi, 4th-year Medical Student
“Brief Lessons from the Field - A Year of Global Health Research"

November 8, 2017
Jorge Kalil, MD, PhD
“The Challenges of Developing a Dengue Vaccine in Brazil"

Gail Rosseau, MD, FACS
“Global Surgery - Accelerating Progress through Simulation"

March 12, 2018
Stephanie Ferguson, PhD, RN
“Global Health and the Future Role of the US"


September 27, 2016
Allen Dyer, MD
“Global Mental Health and International Political Conflicts - with an emphasis on Syrian Refugees”

November 29, 2016
James Tielsch, PhD, MA
“UN Newly Established Sustainable Development Goals”

December 1, 2016
Edward O'Neil, Jr., MD
“Climate Change and Health Inequality”

February 17, 2017
Jesse Shapiro, MS
“Water Sanitation”

March 1, 2017
Mary Ellsberg, PhD
“Breaking the Cycle - Health Sector Responses to Violence Against Women and Girls”

April 24, 2017
Gayatri Ganesh
“Poverty, Health and Education: Serving the Men and Women of Rural India”


August 17, 2015
Ronald Waldman, MD, MPH
“2015 - An amazing year for medical and public health emergencies — where do we go from here?”

November 10, 2015
Sir Michael Marmot, MBBS, M.P.H, Ph.D., FRCP, FFPHM, FMedSci
“The Health Gap - The Challenge of an Unequal World”

November 20, 2015
Jim Tielsch, PhD
“Maternal and Child Health in Low and Middle Income Countries”

January 13, 2016
Edward O'Neil, Jr., MD
"Measuring Impact: Health, Inequality, and Climate Change in Mukono, Uganda"

January 21, 2016
John Schafer, Crisis Response Consultant
"Application of Commonsense 201 and Emergency Response"

April 8, 2016
Erica Orsini - MS-IV
"Introduction to Economic Development for Health Care Professionals"

January 21, 2016
John Schafer, Crisis Response Consultant
"Application of Commonsense 201 and Emergency Response: Part 2"


September 22, 2014
Andrew Clements, PhD
"Ebola and other Animal Viruses that Spill Over into Human Populations:  Prevention, Detection and Response"

October 22, 2014
David Diemert, MD
"Hot Topics in the Tropics"

November 17, 2014
Jessica Evert, MD
"Studying and Working in Global Health:  Building your Inter-Professional Competency"

February 2, 2015
John Borrazzo, PhD
"Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths: Challenges and Opportunities"

March 25, 2015
Amy Fiedler, MD
"Translating an Interest in Global Health from Medical School to Residency"

John Schafer
"Commonsense 201 in Traveling Abroad


Richard Skolnick, MPA
"Essentials of Global Health"

Robert Black, MD, MPH
"Evaluation of PEPFAR"

Edward O'Neil, Jr., MD
"Overview of Global Health Inequity with a Focus on a Unique Training/Research and Service Opportunity in East Africa"

James Griffith, MD
"Five Questions to Address in Global Mental Health over the Coming Decades"

Mary Ellsberg, PhD
"Breaking the Cycle: Health Sector Response to Violence Against Women and Girls"

John Schafer
"Crisis Response: Experience from the Field"


Laura Guay, MD
"Elimination of Pediatric HIV through Integrated HIV and Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health Services"

Laurette Cucuzza
"Family Planning: Overlooked and Under-appreciated in Maternal and Child Health and Survival"

Amir Afkhami, MD, PhD
"Mental Health in Conflict Zones"

Robert Ferris, DO, MPH
"HIV Anitretrovirals: An Evolving Paradigm in the Fight to End AIDS"

Seble Frehywot, MD, MHSA
"Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) Overview"

Edward O'Neill Jr., MD
"Community Empowerment in Global Health"

John Schafer
"Travel Safety"