Meet the Directors
Andrea Anderson, MD, M.Ed, FAAFP

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
Associate Professor of Medicine (Secondary)
Scholarly Concentration Director
Andrea Anderson MD, FAAFP is a bilingual Family Physician and the Associate Chief of the Division of Family Medicine. Dr. Anderson is the Chair of the DC Board of Medicine and has been active in DC health policy and medical regulation as well as teaching ethics, professionalism, and physician advocacy to medical students and residents. She serves on the National Ethics and Professionalism Committee of the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and is the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) representative to the national Academic Family Medicine Advocacy Committee (AFMAC). Finally, she serves on the State Medical Board Advisory Panel to the USMLE and other USMLE national committees of the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME). At GW, she sits on various committees, including the Curriculum Committee, teaches in the Practice of Medicine course, and directs the Transitions to Residency fourth year-required Capstone Course. She is an appointed member of the Board of Directors of both the American Board of Family Medicine and the Family Medicine Education Consortium.
Previously, Dr. Anderson spent 15 years in practice at Unity Health Care, a large Federally Qualified Health Center, where she fulfilled her National Health Service Corps Scholarship commitment. She served as the Director of Family Medicine for Unity, the Subject-Matter Expert for Health Literacy and Cultural Competency and the Medical Director for Unity’s largest site, the Upper Cardozo Health Center. During her tenure, the site was recognized in 2013 as an exemplary site by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for excellence in ambulatory practices and level III NCQA recognition. For the last five years of her time at Unity, Dr. Anderson was a core faculty member with the National Family Medicine Residency, a Teaching Health Center GME program at Unity Health Care in Washington, DC where she wrote and directed the Leadership and Advocacy curriculum for the residents. Dr. Anderson has a long history of physician advocacy involvement. She has testified extensively both on a federal and local level on health policy matters affecting community health center patients like early childhood literacy and national workforce policy reform. This year she was an invited witness to the 2019 Access to Care: Providers in Underserved Areas Hearing of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee where she gave testimony advocating for increased and sustained funding for programs like the National Health Service Corps. She has been featured by and/or testified before the AAFP, the FSMB, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, Health and Human Services, the DC Council, NPR, C-Span,, Essence, and other media outlets.
Dr. Anderson received her BA and MD in the Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME) at Brown University. She completed her training in Family Medicine and her Chief Resident and Academic Medicine Fellowship at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Finally, she completed the Master Teacher Leadership Development Program at GW. She has been honored with various awards, including the 2019 Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Advocate Award, the 2016 Brown School of Medicine Young Alumnae Achievement award, and the National Health Service Corps Scholarship.
Matthew A. Magyar, MD, MPH, FAAP

Pediatric Hospital Medicine
Children's National Hospital
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Scholarly Concentration Director
Matt Magyar, MD is an attending physician in the Division of Pediatric Hospital Medicine at Children’s National Hospital. Originally growing up near Cleveland, he attended undergrad at The Ohio State University and then medical school at the University of Toledo, during which time he completed a health policy elective through the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Department of Federal Affairs. His residency was completed at the University of Illinois – Chicago where he participated in a community health and advocacy track. He then moved to Washington, DC to complete a fellowship in Pediatric Hospital Medicine at Children's National while also obtaining an MPH in Health Policy through GWU. After graduating, he was subsequently hired on as a faculty member at Children's and now splits time between the DC campus and a community site in Arlington, VA. He is currently enrolled in the Graduate Certificate Course in LGBT Health Policy at GWU. He serves as a clinical public health mentor and a course co-director for Patients, Populations, and Systems. At Children's National, he supervises an elective in child health advocacy and developed and directs an elective in pediatric health equity. He is an affiliate faculty member of the Child Health Advocacy Institute (CHAI) at Children's National and helps organize the annual Resident-On-The-Hill Day as well as the Intern Advocacy Day program.
Dr. Magyar currently serves as the Advocacy Chair for the DC Chapter of the AAP and oversees the Chapter's annual advocacy day. He has provided testimony on citywide health legislation to the DC City Council and also oversees ongoing policy and advocacy initiatives. His national work includes serving on advocacy committees for both the AAP Section on Hospital Medicine and Section on Early Career Physicians.
His research interests broadly include health policy, advocacy and global health along with medical education. During his fellowship, he completed a medical elective in Lesotho, Africa and has continued to give lectures to medical trainees in topics centered on public health and policy. Current research includes projects in health services research and LGBTQ+ and immigrant health.

Natalie Kirilichin, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine
Scholarly Concentration Faculty Advisor
Natalie Kirilichin, MD, is an emergency physician and assistant professor with the George Washington University Department of Emergency Medicine. As a faculty member, she works with GW and the Washington DC VA Medical Center, clinically caring for patients and teaching/training medical students and residents. She is a 2016 graduate of the GWU Health Policy Fellowship, a two-year program geared towards creating physician leaders in health policy. During her fellowship, she completed collaborative research surrounding resident physician health policy education and coursework towards her MPH at the Milken Institute of Public Health. She also worked with a local think tank to examine post-acute care payment reform in the Medicare Program, and spent a year working with the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. There, her portfolio included mental health and substance abuse policy with a particular focus on opioids, trauma and sexual assault. Her broader areas of policy interest include access to care, care-coordination, health information technology, payment reform, and behavioral health. She received her undergraduate degree at Georgetown University, and remained at Georgetown’s School of Medicine to complete her M.D. During her residency at University of Chicago Hospitals, she developed a lecture series to educate her peers on ways ACA implementation affects emergency care. She also worked with the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) towards SGR repeal, and currently serves on the DC Board of Directors for ACEP in an advocacy capacity. In addition, she serves as an opioid policy advisor for the National Safety Council.