Medical careers are among the most diverse and flexible professional pathways. Not only are there a multitude of clinical specialties and subspecialties with widely varying characteristics, but many physicians pursue careers that also contain major activities in service, research, education, administration, business, or entrepreneurship. In addition, it is critical that students interested in other career goals also begin to think about and prepare for these roles early in their medical education and training. Use this page to navigate your resources both at SMHS and beyond.
Choosing a medical specialty is one of the most significant decisions you’ll make. Here are some resources to help you navigate the process.
- Resources for Writing a Medical Student CV
- Resources at SMHS
- Career Advisory Deans
- All students are linked to a Career Advisory Dean at the time of admission to medical school. They will help you think about your future specialty choice and other issues related to your career interests such as service, research, and leadership. They will communicate closely with departmental specialty advisors and residency program directors. They oversee preparation of your Medical Student Performance Evaluation (the MSPE, aka Dean's Letter) and assist you in all phases of residency selection, application, and matching. The MSPE is a summary of your academic performance during medical school and an important component of your future application to residency and fellowship programs. Therefore, it is critical that you and your Advisory Dean get to know each other well starting in your first year at GW. We recommend that you plan to meet with your Advisory Dean at least once each semester throughout medical school, or more often as necessary.
- Scheduling:
- Dean Pritha Ghosh, MD
Contact: LaQuita Ross, - Dean Lorenzo Norris, MD
Contact: Penelope White, - Dean Steven Davis, MD
Contact: Sherry Brody,
- Dean Pritha Ghosh, MD
- Office of Student Support
- The Office of Student Support can conduct mock interviews and provide CV and Personal Statement review for students applying to residency programs, PhD programs, or other academic opportunities.
- To schedule a one-on-one advising session email:
- Speciality Advisors
- Speciality Interest Groups
- Speciality Nights
- OSPE Shadowing Program
- SMHS Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Career Advisory Deans
- Resources in the Medical Field
- Resources at GW