Health Services Summer Scholarship Program

Program Description

The GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences offers a variety of competitive scholarship programs to assist in funding exceptional projects related to healthcare and medicine. The Health Services Scholarship Program is designed to provide funding for summer experiential opportunities in the following areas: community health, disaster medicine, environmental health, global health, health policy, integrative medicine, medical education and leadership, medical humanities, technology in medicine, preventive medicine, research, and clinical practice innovation and entrepreneurship. A limited number of scholarships in the amount of $2,500 will be awarded, and applications are limited to one per GW medical student. The 2025 application is now available. Applications will be due March 7th, 2025.

Program Requirements

  • The content of the proposed project will be substantive in scope and educational value with well defined objectives and intended outcomes.
  • The proposed project will have the support of a mentor at the host organization.
  • The project will be a minimum of 8 weeks in length and the proposed project objectives or intended outcome must be achievable within that time frame.
  • The project must already have IRB, IBC, and/or IACUC approval (if applicable) in order to be eligible for Health Services Scholarship funding. For summer 2024, any projects still pending IRB, IBC, and/or IACUC approval by May 31st will require both PI and SC Director approval to move forward for funding.


Eligible Students

  • First year GW medical students
  • Good academic standing (the award is contingent upon the student's good academic standing throughout the duration of the accepted program).

Non-Eligible Students

  • Students who have previously received SMHS summer program funding.
  • Students accepting any other scholarships or fellowships for their proposed summer program. (Minimal support of up to $2,500 is allowed if reviewed and approved by the Office of Student Professional Enrichment in advance.)

*Please note that for the Health Services Scholarship Program, first priority will be given to students enrolled in the Scholarly Concentration Program and who connect their project clearly and fully to their concentration. However, participation in the Program does not guarantee a scholarship award.

Application Requirements

Students must upload their application and include the following:

  • Completed Online Application
  • Project Description (to include the following):
    • Organization
      • Brief overview of project (1 paragraph)
      • Objectives (outcomes-based, measurable)
      • Project structure (time frame, break down of activities, etc.)
    • Educational Value
      • Explain how your project falls under at least one of the following categories of scholarship: Discovery (original research), Integration (establishing connections between discoveries), Application (using knowledge in a practical setting), Teaching (communicating knowledge)
      • If you are in enrolled in the Scholarly Concentration Program, please explain how your project relates to your track area
      • Explain what impact your project will have on the healthcare community
      • Explain how you will use this project to further your educational and career goals
    • Mentor Support
      • Provide brief background information on your mentor or host site
      • Describe the role that your mentor or host site will play in helping you achieve your objectives for this project
  • Personal Statement: (not to exceed two pages)
    • Explain your personal interest in the stated project
    • Any relevant past experience related to the project
  • Applicant's resume or CV
  • Verification of acceptance from the on-site mentor; this confirmation must be provided on letterhead, and the content of the letter must include specific information regarding the project, supervision structure, the student's responsibilities, as well as the current status of the IRB, IBC, and/or IACUC for the project (if applicable).

Selection Criteria

A committee of reviewers will be evaluating your project proposal according to the following criteria:

  • Quality and organization of the proposed project
    • Objectives are clearly defined, including the primary hypotheses for any research component/project
    • The project is designed so that there is high overall potential for successfully achieving objectives within the 8 week time frame
  • Educational value of proposed project
    • The project has a strong scholarly component (for instance, likelihood of a publication, abstract, or other scholarly project including a monograph, learning module, patient education program, etc.)
    • The project relates to the student's Track area
    • The project will positively impact the healthcare community
    • The project contributes to the student's educational and career goals
  • Mentor support
    • The project is designed to include sufficient support/infrastructure from a mentor/host site
    • The student provides evidence of acceptance from the on-site mentor

Reporting Requirements for Health Services Scholarship Recipients

  • For students enrolled within the Scholarly Concentration Program, be sure to follow the Summer Internship reporting guidelines for your individual concentration area.
  • For students not enrolled within the Scholarly Concentration Program, a Reflection Paper (4-6 pages) or Scientific Abstract describing the scholar’s project, experience and any results and implications of the project.
  • A presentation for a group which may include donors, as well as members of the Dean's Office and selection committee. An additional presentation to students or others may also be scheduled.
  • A completed evaluation by the scholar of their summer program.
  • A completed evaluation by the host site of the scholar's performance.
  • Submit an abstract, and then present a poster on your summer internship experience at GW/SMHS Research Day.